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Dawna Lee Heising of EOE Interviews Ace Jordan, Taylor Graham and Melinda Bennett of KILL DEVIL HILL

Ace Jordan Wins Best Director at the Hollywood Asylum 13 Film Festival

Los Angeles 4/13/2011 5:49:23 PM

Dawna Lee Heising of Eye on Entertainment interviewed the stars of “Kill Devil Hill”, Taylor Graham and Melinda Bennett, and filmmaker Ace Jordan at the Time Warner Cable studio in Costa Mesa, CA in February 2011.  Jordan is the writer, producer and director of the short film “Kill Devil Hill”, and was recently named Best Director at the Hollywood Asylum 13 Film Festival.  “Kill Devil Hill” follows the Reed family, Jesse (Taylor Graham), his wife Jamie (Melinda Bennett) and their two sons Joey (Aiden Miranda) and James (Hunter Miranda), at the end of a seemingly average day. Jamie puts the boys to bed for the night, and then heads off to her bedroom.  What starts off as an average evening soon transforms into a horrifyingly nightmarish demonic scenario, one that will leave this average American family in ruin. To see the EOE interview, go to:

Melinda Bennett was born in Virginia and raised in North Carolina.  She is a graduate of East Carolina University with a BFA in Dance/Theatre.  She is a professional dancer in jazz, hip-hop and ballroom.  Her love for dance started at seven years old, and was followed very shortly by acting.   Melinda is also a charcoal artist and exhibits her work on the East and West coast.  She loves dogs, especially French bulldogs, and playing poker.

Taylor Graham was born in Enfield, North Carolina.   Graham attended East Carolina University, graduating with a business degree in Marketing.  Graham is known for playing the edgy unconventional hero, with character traits of depth, vulnerability, complexity and charming humor.  His intense eyes and ironic smile give each one of his characters an air of unpredictable mischievousness.  This versatile actor is known for seeking out the truth of each character with passion and exuding a raw energy within his work. He has just wrapped an independent film called 'Muse'.  For more information, visit:

Jordan started screenwriting at the age of 13 and began shopping scripts in the Hollywood film market at 16. During his high school years, he became an expert at a relatively new technology at the time, digital non-linear editing.  He is currently in development on his directorial debut "Don't Fear the Reaper," a high school thriller about the dark side of love.  Jordan, who also works as an editor, is in post production on the indie horror short "Something Wicked Dwells" starring Bill Oberst, Jr.  Later this year, he plans to produce and direct the suspense/thriller "Silent Retreat" while penning the feature film adaptation of his award winning short "Kill Devil Hill." 

For more information on “Kill Devil Hill”, visit:



About Eye on Entertainment
"Eye on Entertainment", a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is broadcast twice weekly on Time Warner Cable on the West coast and through Cox, Comcast and Verizon on the East coast.  The EOE team covers entertainment and music events, film festivals, red carpets and award shows, and features interviews with successful people in all walks of life, exploring the traits they have in common. Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG & AFTRA, has earned an MBA and PhD and was Ms. World 2008.   The EOE team includes Linda Maxwell and Chris Leist of Time Warner Cable, producer/editor John Cox, producer Jerry Moore, cinematographer/editor Jeremy Yorba, director Steve Van Wormer, graphic designer Mark Schrimmer, music director Richard Myles, PR director Stan Goodrich, talent manager Matt Chassin and theatrical agent Ray Cavaleri.  Please visit, and

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