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Producer John Cox Compiles EOE Videos on YouTube under "eyeonentertainment02"

Dawna Lee Heising Is the Executive Producer & Host for “Eye on Entertainment”

June 17, 2009 6/18/2009 5:05:00 AM

Huntington Beach, CA, June 15, 2009 - John Cox, producer and director of “Eye on Entertainment” (EOE) on Time Warner Cable, has continued to upload video clips from all EOE shows onto YouTube. YouTube and parent Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) continue to dominate Web video sites in terms of traffic. According to ComScore, Google sites generated 6.8 billion videos viewed in April 2009, with YouTube accounting for more than 99 percent of those views. Check out EOE videos at:

Dawna Lee Heising is the executive producer and host of "Eye on Entertainment” a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions. “Eye on Entertainment” was started by Ken Huthmaker in 2000. After Ken’s untimely passing in 2006, Dawna took video production classes and continued the show in his honor. Through EOE, Dawna and the team cover red carpet events, Hollywood galas, film festivals and all types of happenings, and conduct interviews with dynamic, amazing people in all walks of life to discover their secrets to success.

Dawna is a long-standing member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and AFTRA, and belonged to the Friends and Artists Equity Waiver Theatre Group in Los Angeles for twelve years. She has also worked as a swimsuit model for Ujena, Venus Swimwear and Catalina, and has acted in film, TV and theatre productions, including "Fantasy Island", "The New Gidget", "Bring 'Em Back Alive”, “South Pacific” and “Flower Drum Song”, and was the Dana doll in “Barbie & the Rockers” at Universal Studios. She appeared as Cleo, the Snake Dancer, in the last "Magnum, P.I." two hour movie. Dawna has a B.S. in Business Management and MBA from Pepperdine University and a PhD in Business from Pacific Western University. Dawna is currently appearing in Internet films produced by Robert Michael Conrad and Jim Nestor, including “The Company Man” and “Tales of Dark Fall”, and is Ms. Universe Ambassador 2009.

The producer and co-director of EOE is John Cox, an educator in the film and video departments at Orange Coast and Golden West Colleges. He divides his time between his students and producing television shows for Time Warner. He currently has several shows in production including “The Storylady's Magic Book”, “The Three Bears Show” and “Eye on Entertainment”. His past films include “Super-Heroes”, “Guide Dogs of the Desert” and “The Filmmaker of Oz”, among many others. John is also a screenwriter and wrote "Coffee, Tea or Me", an Internet film produced by Robert Conrad and Jim Nestor. He has earned degrees in filmmaking, television and electronics.

To see all EOE video clips, please visit: or

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